Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Kso, I haven't written a post in like...forever. My apologies. School has been hectic lately, and I was spending my free time at home hanging out with my friends at the mall (singing K :P) and playing Mabinogi...OTL For those of you who play, thou must add me! Shiirin and Shirin, Tarlach server. And for those of you who do not play...THOU MUST PLAY! >8D

So exams are coming up. School ended officially for me as of last night. 5 more days until my 1st 2 exams. Two on the same day. Chemistry then English. Both 3 hours. Death. Needs lots and lots of studying. Thank god those two aren't 4 hours each like my Business exam is...T_T;;

Must go make self toast then go study...then practise piano for tonight's choir concert. ;-; So much to doo! Peace~

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