Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Long Day...

Today was the first day of second semester Bio, I was pretty excited! It turned out that my Biology professor, Mr. Butler, turned out to be a very interesting man. He's a 61 year old researcher teaching part time, and he's particularily fond of making students understand the importance of microbiology, and won't mind giving out good marks - or so he says. I guess I'll find out whether that's true or not a bit later into the course, but Bio turned out to be pretty awesome!

So today during Business class I felt totally unprepared since I didn't realize we had operations questions to do, so I was mainly going "huh?" for most of the class, which is totally unlike me, since I would usually spew up a few answers. But I'm back in the game now, and I'm starting next week's work. :)

My friend Jenny helped make my iTunes work for my iPod again (it can actually sync now!), so I'm downloading animes like mad and using Videora Converter to get them into MP4 format so I can watch them on my iPod. Yay!

So after watching a few episodes of K-ON! (currently on episode 12), the new member of K-ON! (Azusa) turned out to look almost exactly the same as Mio except much cuter. Mio is like her big sister in my mind. :P

So here are some screenshots:
Mio in a maid costume!
Mio Sleeping! (Yui beside her XD)
Azusa-Neko!! <333333>w< Mio-Neko!! Mio petting Azusa. ;___; *Tears of happiness*
Sun burnt Azusa with hair down! :D

And now I shall go back to doing Business homework. I have skating tomorrow from 7~9PM! :D

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