Friday, January 8, 2010

Skating, Rants, Weekend

So I went skating 2 days ago, and it was an awesome night filled with icy fun! :DD Although I got a bruise on each of my ankles, it was well worth it. I haven't skate for years, and this was the second time skating; I must say that I skate pretty well for a second timer. *Self praise*. Although to compare to rollerblading, I prefer rollerblading much more, since skating is just in an ice rink whereas rollerblading can be done outside in the sunlight, fresh air, and betwix the fields of flowers...

So anyway, rant time. My roomate and her friend (on the same floor) kept taking my stuff. Awhile ago, my roomate snapped my hole punch in half, and replied with "well, it wasn't broken when I used it"; well smart ass, guess what? IT WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN BROKEN IF YOUR STUPID HANDS DIDN'T TOUCH IT. The very next day, I see a can of my cranberry soda under her freaking bed; clearly a stealer move. So I told my RA (residence assistant) about it and she talked to my roomate about it "don't touch her stuff, blah blah", and nothing bad happened to my roomate, much to my disappointment.

Just rencently - and I'm talking the past 4 days - I found out that SOMEONE has been taking my stuff again, because clearly, gum does not disappear on its own. So I counted (to make sure I wasn't hallucinating) the number of pieces in my gum box, and left it out for another day (without taking any for myself) to see if any pieces would go missing again. The day after, it happened again. Another piece went missing, and I figured that there's been someone taking/touching my stuff AGAIN. Although this time, I personally think it wasn't my roomate, but her annoying friend, who on Tuesday (I think), came by chewing gum loudly on my roomate's bed. So my conclusion is, that her friend has been taking my stuff, perhaps even without my roomate knowing, since she just waltzs into our room even when none of us are there; my roomate NEVER freaking locks the door. And so today, I was looking for my frilled Esprit tank top, but it was not there. The first thought was I had misplaced it, but I only ever hang it on one hook - with all my other tank tops. So I searched my entire closet for it, and it was most definitely not there. I had only ever worn it once in the past 4 months, and to have it suddenly go missing is suspiciously strange. I do not like to make random assumptions, but I must assume that there has been someone going through my closet. I am NOT happy about this, and I don't have proof of who took it.

On top of all that, my roomate is becoming more and more of a bitch each day. Last night she went drinking at some club with her friends, which was fine since I couldn't care less whatever the hell she did to her body. BUT, to come back at 4AM in the fucking morning smelling like shit, and calling her friends from Guelph annoyed the hell out of me. I mean, coming back at 4AM is one thing, BUT WHO THE HELL TALKS ON THE PHONE AT 4AM IN THE MORNING WHEN THEIR ROOMATE IS CLEARLY SLEEPING?! =____=''

I really felt the need to share this, because clearly telling the RA about it isn't helping, and people like my roomate is too much of an ass to realize that their actions negatively affect others. Aside from all my rants, my parents' friend should be coming to London tomorrow to take me to see her Dentist, which she said was very good. This is good news to me since my current Dentist back at home sucks at doing fillings, and I need to do some more fillings since I developed more cavities. ): I don't like cavities...

My friend upstairs is getting a new roomate today, since her old roomate moved out about a month and a half ago. However, my friend is not here to greet her new roomate since she's gone to Waterloo to celebrate her cousin's birthday. Hopefully I'll be assertive enough to walk up to her room and greet/befriend her new roomate. :D I am hoping for a good and productive (but fun) weekend! *Trying very hard to be optimistic*.

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